

Blastoise is the English name for Squirtle's final form in the original Pokémon games and is comprised of the words blast and tortoise.

Blast generally refers to a forceful or explosive hit or a loud, sudden sound. The official Pokédex entry for Blastoise is A brutal Pokémon with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high speed tackles.. Clearly, Blastoise uses these pressurized water jets to tackle opponents with a forceful or explosive hit during battle making it live up to its name.

As covered under Wartortle's entry, tortoise is a species of animal defined as being a herbivorous terrestrial reptile with a heavy dome-shaped shell for protection usually found in warm climates.

In Japanese, Wartortle is written in Katana as カメックス (kamekkusu) which can also be written in Hiragana as かめっくす.

It was also under Wartortle's description that we first came across the word かめ (kame). It is Japanese for both tortoise and turtle but in カメックス's case it would seem to solely mean tortoise.

Interestingly, メック (mekku) is the Katakana for Mech (the short version of BattleMech). These are large walking war machines which perfectly describes Blastoise with its large pressurized water jets projecting from its shell like some form of mechanized battle turtle.