

The English name is made up of the words squirt and turtle.

Squirt means to eject liquid in a jet from a narrow orifice. Anybody who watched the early anime would likely agree that this is a perfect word to use in the Tiny Turtle Pokémon's name and immediately conjures up images of The Squirtle Squad.

Turtle, on the other hand, is a cute aquatic reptile characterised by its protective shell.

The Pokédex entry for Squirtle states "After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth." which fits perfectly with the two words comprising its name.

In Japanese, the name is written in Katana ゼニガメ (zenigame) but can be writting in Hiragana as ぜにがめ.

This Tiny Turtle Pokémon is yet another literal translation (in the same manner as Charmeleon was merely lizard in Japanese) as ゼニガメ literally translates to baby spotted turtle.

Squirtle was always my own personal choice for starter in Pokémon Blue and remains one of my all time favourite Pokémon.