

This Pokémon is the first whose name is made up of more than 2 words, in this instance war, tortoise and turtle.

War describes a state of conflict between nations or parties within a nation, usually including armed hostility or military operations.

Tortoise is a species of animal defined as being a herbivorous terrestrial reptile with a heavy dome-shaped shell for protection usually found in warm climates.

Turtle, on the other hand, is a cute aquatic reptile characterised by its protective shell. Basically, a turtle is a tortoise that can swim and enjoys the beach.

But we're not here for the English names so lets move onto the Japanese.

Wartortle's name in Katakana is カメール (kamēru) but can be writting in Hiragana as かめえる.

In case it's of interest, the long vowels are shown in Katakana using the "dash" character. In Hiragana there are a set of rules on which vowel to use with the most common being to just add the vowel that is being elongated (in Romaji it is shown as elongated by adding a line above the vowel). In Wartortle's case we have an elongated e so we write か(ka) め(me) え(e) る(ru).

Interestinglly, かめ (kame) is Japanese for both tortoise and turtle which fits with the English name also being a joining of both tortoise and turtle. Note that this is written with a single vowel on the end and not the double vowel as seen in the full name.

Taking the lack of the double vowel as a cue, I checked if there was a Japanese word for the end of the name, える (eru), and there is! える (but written in Kanji as 獲る) means to get; to earn; to acquire; or to win​. especially refers to catching wild game. That last bit is quite fitting in the context of Pokémon where the aim of the game is to roam the world seeking wild Pokémon and to catch 'em all.